Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yes-definitely invisible

So, my daughter has been getting her two year molars so she has been cranky and off kilter all weekend with a fever. She went to my parents house today and I told them that she needs to nap early (usual time is 1pm). At 11am she was already looking tired.
Apparently what I say goes in one ear and out the other cause I just called to let them know I was going to pick her up at 4pm and of course she only went to sleep at 2pm cause they did not get back from the park til after 1pm!!! Why would you do that? She was tired when I left her there which was 11am. And they never have any fresh fruit or veggies in their house so what did she eat between 11am when she had lunch and 2pm when she went down?? Probably just crackers. I have to bring cut up fruit over there so I know she will get some nutrition. So, I will now be up with her til 10pm cuz she won't be tired after taking a late nap.........and yes-i just won't leave her over there very often anymore if they can't listen. I am so angry that I want to cry. I have even already had a conversation with them about this how last time they did that she was up super late at my mom says "we can wake her up after two hours"...well, she shouldn't suffer cause they are morons. She has not been feeling well so I don't think waking her up when she's finally resting is very nice. Plus when you wake her up early from a nap then she is just cranky all night so I can't win either way............

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Am I invisible?

I swear to God-nobody listens to me? Do you feel like your parents/in-laws don't hear a word you say? For about a year now my daughter pukes when she cries/gets upset-see earlier post. I have explained this to my in-laws a number of times. 
While she was over there today, they put her down for a nap and after an hour she woke up crying. And-you guessed it-she cried so hard that she vomited! My mother-in-law calls me to tell me this concerned that she might have the stomach flu. Can you believe that? I even said to her that nobody listens to me. I have told them so many times that she pukes cause she's upset. But she does not understand why that would happen so she doesn't believe me I guess. She is the kind of person that needs to understand in her own way why a thing happens and not the actual reason. She has asthma so this is something that comes along with it. 

Allergic to nuts

My 2 year old daughter is allergic to nuts: peanuts and cashews (and therefore pistachios). Going to a restaurant or to someone else's house for dinner is an anxiety-provoking experience. Even my own mother's!! She still put nuts on her famous salad (the only thing she "cooks") even though she is well aware of my munchkin's allergy. My in-laws kept their peanut jar right next to my daughter's treats in the cupboard! HELLOOO???? Can people really be that dense? Apparently so. 
Please exercise tact and sensitivity to those who have little ones with life-threatening allergies. Leave me a comment about this and vent away!!!!!!!!


Well, I had just finished writing how great everything was until the little one woke up screaming and proceeded to do so until 3:15am!!!! It was a horrible night!!! She only went to sleep once I forced some Motrin down her throat-then she passed away immediately. In the morning she says to me "I feel better" but she could not tell me what was wrong. It was only after speaking with a friend this morning did I realize that she is probably getting her 2 year molars!!!!! I felt so bad that I did not know that! But how could I have known. Needless to say I am very tired today and she is spending the afternoon at the grandparents house so I can take a nap. But instead of napping I am doing laundry, dishes, went grocery shopping. Ok-I need to nap now...........

Friday, June 20, 2008


I love my little one. She has been such a good girl lately. Of course she is only 2 so she is not always perfect but we went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant tonight just me and her and she was great! We don't go out to eat often due to the nut allergy but I decided to trust the restaurant that there was nuts used there and it worked out! She loved it! 
I love when she sings and dances around and her favorite saying now is "Oh my Goodness!"

Wow! Can it be that I have nothing to vent about today?????? What the hell is happening??

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, my husband is away this week so I am alone with my toddler. I work full time as well so let's just say that the dishes are piled up and we ate cereal for dinner last night. It's impossible to get things done especially cause she has not been feeling 100%. But when does she???

Anyways, I almost got hit by a woman in the parking lot today who ran a stop sign and then did not even apologize and looked at me like I did something wrong. Then this stupid nurse at work gets mad at me saying that I was disrespectful to her yesterday. Let's just say she is old and cranky and if you don't agree with her opinion then you are disrespectful! Bite me...I mean, I am sorry that you feel that way but it was not my intention-that's a good standard answer. I did not feel that I did anything wrong so too f%&^^ing bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I went to my parents house for dinner where my mom still talks to my toddler in baby talk which drives my nuts and my dad is deaf so he talks REALLY loud. My dad made spaghetti for dinner which my little one put all over her body. That was nice. It was nice that I did not have to cook but I have to go now to put the munchkin to bed, make dinner for tomorrow, make her lunch and breakfast for daycare, do the dishes, do the laundry----who am kidding? Those last 2 things will not happen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mommy's guilt

I love my dad. I really do. He is a wonderful man. But he can still manage to make me cry with a disapproving look or tone. I am usually pretty easy-going but ever since I had my daughter and due to my anal retentive husband-I have become a bit more.....strict-that might not be the right word. He called me to say that him and my mother are on pins and needles around us all the time when it comes to my daughter cause it seems that they cannot do anything right. I do see his point and I wanted to cry during our conversation but I held it together. The funny thing is that there are a lot of things that bug me that I have not shared and I won't now-except to you!!! One thing that annoys the crap out of me is how my mom still talks to my 2 year old daughter using a baby voice! I hate it! My husband's father talks to her without using proper grammar "get shoes on" "give mommy hug". I HATE IT AND IT DRIVES ME NUTS!!! I guess I have to let that go. 
There are some things that I cannot let go though: my daughter is allergic to nuts and I do not want her ingesting anything that even says it may contain traces of nuts but both of our moms think we are too protective. Hellooo? She could die. Why risk it???? 
Then there is her skin. Along with the nut allergy comes exzema and asthma of which she has all three. Everytime she is at either of our parents homes she comes back with more exzema and sometimes even hives or some other weird rashes. So I am really vigilant about that and tell them what soap, lotion to use. I did not realize how that made them feel when I tell them what to do.....oh well. I only have the best interest of my little one at heart.........hopefully she will go to bed tonight without puking......